Why Laptop Consume More Data

Why Laptop Consume More Data
  • Dec 21st, 2023
  • Akanksha Singh
  • Laptop
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Is your Laptop working slowly and consuming more battery, and does the slow speed of laptops affect your work productivity? If yes, there may be a reason for excessive data consumption on your computer.

Why is the Laptop consuming more data?

There are various reasons behind more data consumption on laptops, and some of the main reasons are listed here -:

1. Extra running apps in the background

Many apps and software on your Laptop or PC are useless. They only take up a lot of space on the memory card and continuously run from the internet on the computer, which is one of the reasons for the excessive data usage on the computer. That's why removing or setting limits on these unnecessary apps and software applications from laptops is essential.

To remove or set data limits on these unusable software applications and apps, follow these steps-:

1. Turn on your Laptop.

2. Refresh the window page.

3. Make a list of your Laptop's apps and software.

4. Check the apps you have recently and consistently used, and make a list of unusable apps.

5. Select unusable apps individually and uninstall them by right-clicking on your Laptop.

6. the selected unused apps will install, and your Laptop can work faster.

This is how you can easily maintain the speed of your Laptop with less data consumption.

Also Read: How To Check Virus In Laptop And Remove Virus From Laptop

2. Cache files and junk piled up

Junk and cache files occupy so much space on your Laptop without your knowledge. It becomes residual permanent data that affects your laptop speed and leads to more data consumption.

You have to download some third-party apps to clear all the viruses and delete all junk and cache files from your Laptop to make your computer faster.

Note-: Windows Defender and security scan applications are some of the best options to remove junk and cache files.

3. Web Browsing 

Web browsing is one of the primary reasons for more data consumption. Some internet sites consume more data. So, make a data limit for them. You can also clear your web browser history for less data consumption. Web browser history takes up memory space in cache files because it breaks the Laptop's speed and consumes more data.

To clean your web browser history from the web browser to make your Laptop faster, follow these simple steps:-

• clean browser history from Google Chrome

1. Open www.google.chrome.in on your Laptop.

2. Select the setting icon with three dots from the browser page.

3. Click on the "clear browser history" option.

4. Select the time of web histories such as last hour,  last day, or last week.

5. Click on the clear recent browser history option.

6. After clearing, Refresh the page.

You can clear all the cookies or data that occupy much space in your laptop memory. You can also delete web browser history from popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Yahoo, Google, etc, to make your Laptop faster with less data consumption.

How do you set the data limit in Windows 10?

With the deletion of unused software and Apps from your Laptop, you have to give limited MB to the remaining less-used Apps and software to run within a limit on your computer when the computer is turned on.

To run this less-used app within restricted limits, look at its procedure-:

1. Click the "task manager" tool option on a Windows 10 laptop.

2. To directly access the task manager option on the window panel, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc on the Laptop's keyboard.

3. A tab on your laptop display views all your Laptop's software and apps.

4. Click on the right edge to limit the less-used software or apps and check the application details.

5. Click on the "change limit "option to change the limit of that app.

6. Refresh your Laptop after changing the limit.

This is how you can easily restrict unused apps to running within the limit and consume less data.

Also Read: How To Stop Data Usage In Windows

Also Read: How To Stop Auto Update In Windows


This article concludes with the steps to consumable your 'Laptop's limited data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Laptop Repair | Computer Repair | Printer Repair

Yes, you can limit data for unnecessary running apps in the background.

Yes, window update leads to more data consumption.

Yes, low better consumes more data.
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