How To Convert MKV To MP4 On The Laptop

How To Convert MKV To MP4 On The Laptop
  • Jan 12th, 2024
  • Ranjeet Singh
  • Computer
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While it’s not as popular as MOV or FLAC lines, you might sometimes encounter an MKV or Matroska queue.

An MKV file can be helpful for captions or an audio or videotape track.


Convert MKV to MP4 via VLC software:

The VLC media player can fete and play nearly any videotape format, including MKV. It can also convert them into more universal commodities, like MP4.

1. First, go to VideoLAN’s website and download VLC. When installing, read the fine print so you aren’t introducing your laptop to bloatware.

2. Now open the VLC software, select the media tab in the top-left corner of the pop-up menu, and select the Convert/Save option from the resulting drop-down menu.

3. Click the Add button and detect the train you wish to convert on your laptop. Once it’s named, press the Convert/Save button at the bottom of the window.

4. Specify your asked videotape format- in this case, we’d recommend H.264 Mp3 (MP4) – using the drop-down menu beside Profile. Clicking the tool icon (coming to the drop-down menu) will also allow you to fine-tune your settings further further.

5. Specify under Destination where you would like VLC to export your data. Also, click Launch. The timeline will turn into a progress bar, and once it finishes, your videotape will be ready. The flashback that the old MKV train still exists. However, you should cancel all your old MKV lines when finished if you no longer want the old data and would prefer further storehouse space on your laptop.

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